Thursday, March 6, 2008

Donor Conception Network

Not much news to report here yet. Next step is for me to contact my GP and organise these tests, or call up the clinic's counsellor and arrange counselling. I don't feel as there is any great rush, especially as I need some time to get used to the idea of donor insemination, and read up about it.

I joined the Donor Conception Network last week, they have sent me some useful info in the post to chew over, and apparently their single parent co-ordinator will get in touch with me shortly. That will be very interesting to talk with women who have already done this.

A friend of mine has a gay friend who would like children; she is arranging for me to meet up with him to talk about it. As I've said, I'm not convinced about the idea at all anymore, but I am open to the idea of discussing it with someone else who is interested.

I am also thinking about returning to university and doing a MA at the moment. If, when I have more information about how fertile I am or not, it turns out that I have a plentiful supply of eggs/ good few years left in me yet, I might apply for 2009 entry. If I had better hurry up, I will put that on hold until an appropriate time later on.

Must be nice to be a man! Can have kids whenever you feel like it without all this planning! Lucky bastards.....

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